Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Things I’m in love with this week.

  • The best sushi I've ever had is at Hillstone Biltmore in Phoenix.  

    • With a subtle taste of chocolate this wine had me thinking there were tiny shavings of chocolate inside the bottle.  Not as rich or as sweet as a Port definitely on the lighter side which is what I liked so much about it. 

    • This beautiful piece of luggage by Jimmy Choo

    Wednesday, May 11, 2011


    I failed at my goal of maintaining my "Maven Monday" posts because I just couldn't keep up with them - Not something I'm proud of but I realize it's better to recognize it sooner rather than later.   I'm not one of those people who promises to do something then doesn’t stick to it therefore I won't be posting The Monday Mavens anymore.  

    What I learned from this is what I've known all along, I need to just focus on a few things rather than a bunch of things at one time.  So I've decided to focus on just a few things such as my obsessions which is where food, wine, shoes, purses and yes of course jewelry, come in take you with me on the journey of growing a successful fine jewelry business and how I plan on helping the non-profit organizations I support through my business.   
    This is it in a nutshell, I might through in a few surprises here and there but this keeps me from stressing out. 

    Spring is my favorite time of the year, trees and flowers come alive

    and it's a perfect season to wear nautical clothing.  

    Check out these purses I'm in love with...

    Gold and diamonds for your feet anyone?
    I love shoes, I love the these shoes what took me by surprise is that when I initially came across them I didn't realize that they're made out of gold and diamonds... 

    Yes, made of solid gold and have over 2,000 diamonds By The House of Borgezi
    They can be yours for $155,000.

    Thursday, May 5, 2011

    Mothers Day is upon us.

    As mother's day approaches I came a cross some great gift ideas for mom's across different age brackets
    Mother's Day Gift Ideas    
    My favorite gift suggestion is from Venti Girl I want these for myself... 

    Anything from Wendy Brandes you can never go wrong with Jewelry.                     

    Here's a do it yourself gift idea from Daily Candy perfect for the mom that loves to say "you should be saving your money, not spending it on me".                                     

    For the Tech Savy Mom check out these cool gift ideas from She-knows

    And lastly, how could you not love this?  Michael Kors creates a bag for his Mom, Michael Kors Joan Bag