It's been a while...
You might remember I mentioned our Bathrooms are being renovated. I still have stuff everywhere in my office/studio until the bathrooms are done. The HB and I don't like to charge anything unless it's an emergency so we pay as we go along which is why it's taking longer than anticipated. Oh well. Although everything is somewhat organized I can't enjoy working at my PC while in organized chaos.
The hubs and I must have the only house on earth still using PC's not laptops - I've choosen to use spare money to continute buying the jewelry parts and components I need. If I wasn't so determined to have a large kick-ass collection by the tenative launch date in January 2012 I would definately have a cool laptop.
Really want an iPad too.
Being away from my desk has allowed me to spend quality "me time" - vital for everyone of us and it's been nice I have to admit.
A few pics of our precious child:
Picture of the child this winter when we brought him home from the rescue. He was completly shaven a few days we picked him up.
Sleeping next to mom on the his blankets, we have them everywhere, his hair is very long and gets on everything.
"I wish all the kitties on earth were as lucky as other kitties that are loved and kept indoors like me"
Lot's of new shoe and handbag obssessions to show you on the next post.
Have you ever had the juice of a prickly pear?
This is what a prickly pear looks like... they usually sprout in the spring but I saw these the other day driving down a street not to far from our house.