Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Housewives and This Weeks Obsessions

Last night I watched the season finale of The Housewives of Orange County...
Let me tell you something Jeana Keough do not, do not ever disregard anyone who says they do not feel safe around their partner much less when they tell you they have been assaulted either physically or verbally.   Studies show that verbal abuse by a partner will lead to physical abuse.  So Jeana you need to stop patronizing people and stop being an enabler to these abusive individuals.

Obsessions of the week
Jimmy Choo "Ellie" Bootie

 Doesn't match the shoes above but here is my other obsession for the week.
Jimmy Choo "Gwen Leo" Flap Bag

 Thanks RDuJour for sharing...
I even like the name: Paradoxal.  What do you think of the color and the name?  Would you wear this come Fall.

New Fragrance
Some of you may or may not know that I'm a huge fan of Diane von Furstenberg - I was so excited when I learned from LadyLux that she'll be coming out with a new fragrance.  I can't wait to check it out 
Greek Salad 
Doesn't this Greek Salad from The Fitnessista look great?  Thanks Fitnessista I'm going to make this for lunch, might just be the perfect salad for those hot AZ days.

I got some great new necklace design styles - I can't wait to take some pictures and share them with you.

1 comment:

  1. Amen to your first comment on abuse. Verbal abuse always leads to something worse.

    Love those shoes! They are gorgeous!

    That polish is perfect for fall! I'm gonna have to try to find something similar for cheaper!

    That salad looks delicious!
