Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I failed at my goal of maintaining my "Maven Monday" posts because I just couldn't keep up with them - Not something I'm proud of but I realize it's better to recognize it sooner rather than later.   I'm not one of those people who promises to do something then doesn’t stick to it therefore I won't be posting The Monday Mavens anymore.  

What I learned from this is what I've known all along, I need to just focus on a few things rather than a bunch of things at one time.  So I've decided to focus on just a few things such as my obsessions which is where food, wine, shoes, purses and yes of course jewelry, come in take you with me on the journey of growing a successful fine jewelry business and how I plan on helping the non-profit organizations I support through my business.   
This is it in a nutshell, I might through in a few surprises here and there but this keeps me from stressing out. 

Spring is my favorite time of the year, trees and flowers come alive

and it's a perfect season to wear nautical clothing.  

Check out these purses I'm in love with...

Gold and diamonds for your feet anyone?
I love shoes, I love the these shoes what took me by surprise is that when I initially came across them I didn't realize that they're made out of gold and diamonds... 

Yes, made of solid gold and have over 2,000 diamonds By The House of Borgezi
They can be yours for $155,000.

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya on avoiding blogging stress. It should be fun!

    Love that Nina Ricci purse!
    And how on earth can anyone walk in gold heels? The metal is so soft!
