Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Pamela Froman, Creed and Fall Shoes

I really like Opal's they're the Birthstone for October, look at this beauty by Pamela Froman
Opal Ring, Courtesy of Pamela Froman Fine Jewelry

This beautiful Cuff Bracelet reminds me of the Art Deco era
Cuff Bracelet Picture Courtesy of Pamela Froman
For more of Pamela Froman's beautiful jewelry visit Pamela Froman

It's too early to be thinking bout Christmas but I'm going to have the HB start a shopping list for me and add this to the list:
Picture courtesy of RDuJour

Doesn't this seductive black bottle remind you of Depeche Mode, The Cure and Clove Cigarettes?  
Now I'm dating myself but doesn't it?

Of course I've been looking at shoes... it's so hot out there I cant' look at Fall Shoes but these pretties did catch my eye.  

Alexander Wang Stella Sandal
Have you come across any Fall shoes you like?  
Please let me know.

1 comment:

  1. My mom's birthstone is opal. I had no idea there were so many different colors! Some look so fiery!

    Clove cigarettes! When I went through my goth phase I used to smoke those! I should get a pack for old time's sake! That Creed bottle is gorgeous. So are those shoes!
