Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Tucson Gem Show 2012

This past weekend the HB and I headed south about 100 miles to Tucson for the Gem Show.  There's about 30 independently owned and operated shows going on  simultaneously during this event every year with about 3,000 exhibitors citywide.  

We went attended GJX, AGTA and JOGS my goal was to stock up on a few types of semi-precious stones and we were successful.

My lovely husband as we were dropped off by a car service shuttling people from different locations.
In front of the Tucson Convention Center
 I'm admiring the gorgeous amethyst in it's organic form.  I think I like it so much because I wonder if I like it so much because it's my birthstone? 
Thanks for visiting.

1 comment:

  1. That amethyst is HUGE! I've never seen one so big! Your birthday must be coming up soon? Happy Birthday lady!
